Welcome to Prana & Soul Living Well Blog!

Welcome to my blog!

In creating this blog, we intend for it to be informative and educational! We want to share thoughts and information on wellness living, trends and research related to yoga and the wellness industry! Wellness is a very broad topic as it incorporates various aspects of life – Physical, Mental/Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Environmental, Spiritual and Occupational. We would like to talk about experiences, share information from research studies and even explore topics that may be a little taboo by societal standards!

Everything in life begins with a thought…. Therefore, wellness living begins in the MIND!

Life is a journey that can be difficult to define. In reality, how can ‘LIFE’ be defined without placing a limitation on its meaning? Experiences help us to evolve and therefore change is inevitable because it will reflect the growth or decline of an individual. But let’s consider what factors that can influence ‘LIFE’ no matter how it is defined. Where does the manifestations of our lives begin? IN THE MIND!

Our mental energy is a very powerful internal force we all possess; and should learn how to use wisely! It is the foundation of how we manifest personal desires and realities into our lives. What we think we become; what we become is a reflection of our character development. This all derives from what thoughts we project, thus leading to the words we say, how we act, what habits we develop and how our ultimate character will be defined. Once our character is defined then we attract what energy we project to the world. So it is safe to say that our mental health is probably the most important aspect of our lives!

Now in reality, we do not have complete control over what we attract into our lives. We still have to experience the unexpected misfortunes of life even when we know we have worked hard to prevent ourselves from having to go through difficult situations. We still have to learn life lessons in order to evolve. It’s about being more aware of our thoughts; and therefore more aware of what we feed our minds – What are we watching or listening to? What are we reading? Who we're surrounded by on a regular basis? And how is this shown in our words and actions? How do we take care of each other and ourselves?

This blog will explore the factors that affect our state of wellness; and the influence of external and internal factors that shape our processes and patterns. We will explore spiritual and cultural influences as well as political, social and economic influences. We’ll look deeper into what we can do to improve and encourage wellness for all!

The purpose of this blog is to initiate open, informative, enlightening discussion. We would like readers to share information and experiences as a form of support for each other especially for those who feel neglected or misunderstood in their wellness journey! So please, share from the heart and let us respect each other’s opinions and work together to raise awareness and encourage all to have a healthier mind! Please feel free to share resources if you know where great, reliable information can be found based on the topics discussed! 

Love & Light!

Franchesca M. Saunders

Founder & CEO of Prana Soul Wellness

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