The Prana Soul Wellness Story

Franchesca M. Saunders MBA, BSc, ERYT
Owner, Prana Soul Wellness

Prana Soul Wellness was created out of a need for detoxing and healing after spending 8 years in an extremely toxic work environment. I worked in the nightlife industry as a VIP Marketing Host & Private Events Manager for an upscale nightclub. The heavy smoke-filled environment and general stress of working in such a fast paced, demanding industry took a heavy mental, emotional and physical toll on my health. I suffered from depression, severe anxiety, developed chronic migraines, and type 2 diabetes. I had recurrent chest infections which eventually led to a diagnosis of CO2 poisoning due to the 2nd hand smoke I was surrounded by in the nightclub and the casino where the club was located. I had to cope with taking multiple medications, having multiple diagnostic scans, many blood tests and a few trips to the E.R. After receiving the opinions of 3 doctors, they all concluded that I needed to quit my job. One doctor was extremely honest and told me I was slowing losing my life the longer I stayed in that toxic environment. So I quit my job to save my life.

A few months later after undergoing treatment to detox from the CO2 poisoning, I started taking yoga classes to help with the anxiety that I was still experiencing. I had practiced yoga in the past but due to my work schedule, it was difficult to stay consistent. After having an emotional break through during a class, I knew I had to stay consistent with my yoga practice. I attended a yoga festival where I was inspired to dive deeper and learn more about the practice and I eventually became a certified yoga teacher after a rigorous three month training program. I started teaching right away and became a vegan to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes and it worked!  As I progressed through this journey working with multiple gyms, studios and health & wellness facilities and clinics, I learned that there were so many people who needed help with emotional and physical healing and living a better, healthier life! As I shared my story, I was able to attract people who was seeking detox and healing as I had, and Prana Soul Wellness was born.

My story of wellness continued after being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemo-radiation treatments several years after starting my wellness journey. I continued to practice yoga when I was able to, but my practice suffered due to the side effects of the chemo-radiation; some days I simply did not have the strength to do even the most simple stretches. After 6 months, I was cancer free! I spent the next several weeks recovering and detoxing from my treatments. Yoga and diet played a huge role in my healing and restoration. Practicing yoga during my treatments helped with anxiety and keeping my strength up as much as possible. It kept my mind focused on healing and kept my body fighting to detox from the chemo-radiation. I still have 4 years of cancer surveillance as I move forward in getting my life back to normal. I have suffered some permanent damage from my treatments however, I can speak from experience that yoga and meditation helped my get through this very difficult time, and it is still helping me as I restore myself back to my regular practice!

Our Philosophy

PranaThe life energy that flows through your body, mind and spirit, creating emotional and physical feelings and experiences. Through yoga and meditation, you can expand your senses, increasing the flow of vital healing energy in your body and mind thereby significantly improving your overall health. 

Prana Soul Wellness believes in working with people who want to engage in a deeper form wellness! Achieving a sense of wellness requires work on the body, mind and soul; igniting inner peace, self-awareness and discipline. We believe that living a healthy, balanced lifestyle can help one achieve the peace and vitality needed to feed our life force – our natural emotional, spiritual, physical and mental energy – thus engaging and sustaining a more fulfilling way of life!

Our mission:

  • To educate and motivate people on all aspects of wellness living.
  • To engage in the highest standard of client care service to all.
  • To provide high-value organic, cruelty-free products and services that supports the wellness lifestyle.
  • To effectively create compelling, results driven nutrition plans to sustain your wellness journey and yield desired long-term results.
  • To establish long lasting relationships with each individual, business, and organization that we serve through our company.


 Contact us today to find out how we can help your community group, business or health facility through our yoga classes and wellness program!